Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Star Wars Pine Wood Derby Car Designs

Queue terror (of

your call to us void

Call Center is the limbo of capitalism: poor souls burn for hours there with lively jazz music until their ears bleed. The perfidious system have been the company looks for ancient Chinese despots.
When I saw before the Munich Apple Store recently launched a long line because I was hurt my heart. The new pads or pods, which existed there, interested me not. But I would also like to once again stood in line.
queue, what a great experience that! The anticipation, the community - and the goal set in View.
Due to technological progress full stop. Instead, we now sit for hours alone in our apartment - and wait for our call center agent will finally turn.

Lousy manners and look awful music
while waiting in line at least it was fresh in the air. Call Center, however, the limbo of capitalism, here, each sooner or later. The first time it is still fixed, because it gives new customers an extra hotline, which operates on the principles of traditional telephony: you pick a number, and someone answers it.
who is already a customer, the other hand, the listener must push on the cheek before he passed out is. And also can be treated worse than it was at the federal post. My theory is that all the misanthropic Grantler and behavior disorders, which may not even now sell more stamps at the counter, call centers have found a new home. Would normal people talk like each other?

Me: Good morning!

Call Center Robots: The conversation is listening!

Me: What? But why? I have nothing wrong ...

Call Center robot: Only for training purposes.

Me: Who will train? The customer?

Call Center Robots: You have nothing against the measure, right? What to hide?

Me: No, but we could now to my concern ...

Call Center Robot: Hardly. The waiting time is currently 37 minutes. And by the way ...

Me: What?

Call Center robot: "Your call is important to us."

falsetto techno and feel-good jazz
worse than lousy manners is certainly the tooting. Call Center music is always too loud and therefore comes in a two attributes: cheerful jazz, as you could hear on Saturday in shopping centers - or in falsetto adduced before the full plastic techno.
When I recently hung at Air Berlin on hold, I was given the Elektrobimmbumms most of the blood from the ear canal. I found out later, the current song, however, relatively speaking, an improvement on that hit, with the airline struggled petitioners formerly
"butterflies in the stomach / blood kerosene / nose in the wind / and the customer in Siiinnn."
As one suspects, why hang on every seat barf bag. The purpose of the music loop, it is not the way to entertain customers. But to force him to task or at least to sing Sun crap out of that he adds to his fate.

model Ming Dynasty

in history have ever so many poor people as long Listen to music as it is today? Hard to imagine. And yet, the call center also has a historical precedent. It is the ancient Chinese
petition system of the Ming Dynasty not dissimilar. At that time, everyone could still make a pilgrimage to Beijing so insignificant subject to the Imperial Court put forward his case.
Since then knelt for his unjust paddy parcelling first round a few weeks before the Forbidden City and had to be cajoled, meanwhile, by hawkers.
Whether it was music, is not known, but shut up was mandatory. If you still spoke to someone everything was co-written by an official of the imperial secret service, for training purposes.
some point consented then an ill-tempered inbound Mandarin, an examination of the concerns expressed to promise.
Presumably he bowed it, folded his hands in his robe, and said smilingly: ".. Their petition to the Emperor is important audience, the next available appointment is reserved for you"
also you had a lousy service experience? ! Then write to

=> It would be so easy when you consider how much marketing money spent Munter Telecom company for new customers, while they would only existing customers, or the interested which call the information line operated correctly!


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