A photovoltaic system is a good thing but sometimes quite complicated to understand if you do not have the electrical engineering background. We want to bring them closer to such a 12V solar systems. Suppose they have chosen one 12V Solar Panel in connection with an operated with a charge controller and a solar battery.
But what happens if they now want to operate devices that do not work in 12V mode. For example, a charger for your mobile phone or laptop. How do I connect for example a laptop to a 12V Solar System
? The solution to their problem is an inverter. There are, for example, or by Steca Studer appropriate device. These are made in Switzerland and work accordingly, like a Swiss watch. I have also tested better models from Asia (China), but things do not believe and have no good overload protection. Moreover, the energy yield of the cheaper devices more questionable than this is often not switch to the automatic standby mode and thus consume unnecessary power. So more than sub-optimal!
The performance of Wechseltromgeräten is usually specified directly in watts. Sometimes, however, indication in volt-amperes or apparent power is given. If you want to operate as a charger for your laptop please notice: is
The real power of the charger for your laptop 100 watts. The power factor, according to the manufacturer is now 0.7. The apparent power is therefore 100 watts x 0.7 = 70VA. Conversely, this means that a consumer with an apparent power of, for example, and a 90VA Power factor of 0.6 in real power of 150 watts has (real power x 0.6 = 90 VA or 90 V / A / 0.6 = 150 watts)!
Most consumers like light bulbs, heaters and so on have a power factor of 1! The situation is different however, with inductive loads. These are are devices that are powered by an electric motor. This category includes, for example, drilling machines and water pumps, even though there is already pumping well water for Example Vossman operating in a 12V solar system. These devices have usually amount to a power factor
Despite the power factor rated. And in this Context, I would again like to point to the starting point. Steca / Studer inverters can quickly (enough are here for up to 5 seconds) catch these performances. They thus have the necessary overload. At this point, most cheap inverters make 12V solar systems already limp! Added to which these devices is usually only produce a modified sine wave. As a result they can throw your devices also after a short operating time in the trash. So you pay a cheap inverter connected with their tools or inductive devices are a bad trade as we do.
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