Monday, April 6, 2009

Cranberry Juice Cause Red Stool

Suez Canal

Now we are sailing in the Mediterranean,
and have no funds!

That is, We have to go home!

But still, we had an experience before us, which gave his time with the rash for our trip around the world: the passage through the Suez Canal. After all

is this channel not only written recent history (though I can still remember the Suez crisis in my childhood), how the ancient Egyptians were already stand out channels to create an important link from the Nile to the Red Sea is not well established. But there were probably even a direct service between Memphis and Biblis. However, such a channel had to be constantly maintained and cared for, he is once again bogged down .. But still.

Only Darius I was able to complete a connecting channel that had begun the Romans, from the Nile to the Red Sea. Finally, the Persian king had interest to link their conquered Egypt with the rich.
The history of this Channel was like that of the ancient Egyptian <; erst Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz legte dem König Frankreichs, Ludwig XIV einen ausgearbeiteten Plan für einen Kanal durch die Landenge von Suez vor. 1859 begann unter Leitung des französischen Diplomaten Ferdinand de Lesseps der Bau; nach 10 Jahren Bauzeit, unter Mitwirkung vn 25.000 Arbeitern wurde der Kanal am 17.11.1869 eröffnet.

The Suez canal is 171.25 km long.
The Kiel Canal is approximately 99km long (with two pairs of lock)
The Panama Canal is approximately 81km long (with three pairs of locks).

Since 1957, Egypt, the sole administrator of the canal, but was blocked from 1967 to 1975, the channel due to the Israeli-Egyptian war by shipwrecks. The re-opening cost Egypt $ 288,000,000 (it had 10 steel body sunken ships, cannons and tanks are removed, the floor was strewn with exploded and unexploded grenades)

We see from all this, of course, nothing more. Along endless desert landscapes We glide quietly through the first part of the channel. We are leading a convoy of 28 ships. On the shore we see regularly armed Egyptian items that move in from the cold in the morning of their small huts in the warm morning sun.
are often greeted us, whether by inscriptions in the sand (Welcome to Egypt) or by waving - is clear in spite of all that you do not want to give up this spot again.

the Great Bitter Lake, where we allow the ships of the oncoming convoy pass, we find parts of the British fleet. Even wine submarine glides past us. They are all on the way to the south and perhaps to the ships Encountered are against pirates in action.

Our passage is trouble free and surprisingly fast, so that we obtain in Port Said even for 3 hours shore leave time.

But now we come closer to Europe inevitably, the colder regions of the country!


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