Oh My Dog...
I Went to the Market A Few days ago and Had an interesting experience. I tagged Along with the German Ladies Club of Seoul (I do not belong to the group yet ....) They Would allow me to join the group Even Though I'm not German or a Lady - Nice ladies [a But a little decadent little decadence is nice], who like me Have Plenty of Time On Their Hands ...
Anyway, as we were going through the Market, we stumbled upon a stand which sold cooked dog meat, whole and chopped, with and without head. In front of the Butchers table and scale was a tiny cage with about 7 dogs inside, alive. The breed they use is called "Nureongee", although they do use other breeds as well. Now as a dog owner I was appalled but on the other hand I have to say that we as westerners, eat pig, snails, frogs, cows, baby cows.... etc etc etc... so even though I wanted to open the cage and let all the dogs out, I was able to understand that it's not bad that they eat dog. It's simply their culture and I have to respect that. Still, I came home and had to give Brady the dog a hug. I still freak out when some people look at him with a hungry look about them..
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