I miss you Wonderwoman. You and your Beautiful plane! And Voila .... J'ai terminé mes lenses cheaper
1) Where is your cell phone: Beside me
2) Your Partner: Work is always next to me - ahhhhhhhh
3) Your hair: will soon be cut - thank Jung Ji Hye 정 대표 지영준
4) Your Mama: In Chile
5) Your father: also
6) favorite subject: my chupa chups
7) Your dream last night: forgotten - episode coming tonight
8) Your favorite drink: coffee
9) Your dream car: a fly but actually the plane of Wonder Woman
10) The room in which you find yourself: arbeitseck
11) Your Ex: is love
12) Your fear: to say, "I wish I could have done that when I was younger"
13) What do you want to be in 10 years: I still
14) Who do you spent yesterday evening with Darling and husband Brady the dog
15) What you're not: dog eaters, and / or Cat eater
16) The last thing you did: walk
17th) What are you wearing: Beige trousers, white t-shirt and blue plaid shirt [short-armed]
18) Your favorite book: A Short History
about nearly everything 19) The last eaten what you have: Vietnamese
20) Your life: Happy
21) Your mood: happy
22) Your friends: always close
23) What are you thinking now: my German course
24) What are you doing right now: Think about what I have for homework Exciting
25) Your summer: What is more, spring is already here! YUPPIE !!!!!
26) What's in your TV: TV is off - Radio is on - American brainwashing radio show - GOD BLESS AMERICA
27) When did you laugh the last time: cry today
28) Last time: 30 March 2008
29) school: over - but Will Chocolatière in Germany Studying - The dream continues!
30) What are you listening to right now: GOD BLESS AMERICA - We bring you the Music while you save the World ... NO JOKE!
31) Dearest weekend employment: For my small family cooking to
32) Dream job: Chocolatière extraordinaire
33) Your Computer: Apple
34) Outside your window: The Ivy House and Itaewon
35th) Beer: Asahi Thanks Japan!
36) Mexican food: mmmm - Fajitas ... Pollo con Mole!
37) Winter: Love, but not so long please
38) Religion: An apple a day keeps the devil away
39) Holidays: Coming soon ... Vancouver - British Colombia
40th) On your bed: a 41st Brady's toys
) love: the most important
You always win
Rich Rubin is!